Bellwether Architects PLLC designs spaces that are functional, memorable and beautiful, while creating a collaborative environment and enjoyable process for both clients and colleagues. The typical process for any project - whether residential, commercial, or furniture design - has four phases: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration. Each project and client have their own unique needs; Bellwether can provide the full range of services listed below, and these can be extended into decoration and furnishing.


Dream it.

Phase I: Schematic Design

In this phase, Bellwether Architects will meet with the client to review the site, program and project schedule.  Design concepts and alternative layouts will be presented, and plans and exterior elevations will be prepared. Additionally, I can facilitate Contractor interviews, and help ascertain what other consultants may be necessary to implement your project.

3D model views can be provided at any phase as an additional service.

Develop it.

Phase II: Design Development

During this phase, I will develop the designs, including interiors, materials and furniture plans for the Owner’s review. Additionally, I will collaborate with consultants hired by the Owner, and review the design with the local authorities. The project will be documented and prepared for permit approval. At the end of this phase, I can prepare documents to estimate the cost of construction by one or more contractors.

Draw it.

Phase III: Construction Documents

Based on the Owner’s approval of the Design, Bellwether will coordinate the Construction Documents with all Consultants detailing the requirements for construction of the project. These Contract Documents will be used by the General Contractor to refine the project pricing.

Build it.

Phase IV: Construction Administration

Bellwether Architects will work in tandem with the Contractor, Sub-Contractors and Consultants to achieve the design. I will advise and consult with the Owner, attend site visits as needed, and provide additional information or drawings during construction. Additionally, I will assist in project closing, as required.

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Have a project in mind?

I can’t wait to hear about it!

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