Expand to fit your (new) needs.

This Hamptons summer home was so well loved that it has become a 3-season home for this family of 6 (including their Golden Retriever). With the kids growing, and extended family and friends visiting often, they needed to expand to fit their changing needs but wanted a tasteful addition, in keeping with the original design.

This project started small, with a modest request to finish the basement so the kids could have a Playroom. It quickly expanded to relocating the Laundry, adding a Powder Room, and small Gym with a Wet Bar, while retaining plenty of storage space. Additionally, they thought: why not make the existing Garage a Den, with a nice bay window in keeping with the original details of the house? To do so, we relocated the first floor Powder Room so that the Den could have a closer connection to the rest of the home. Finally, while designing the new (larger!) Garage, they decided to add a Mudroom, Breezeway, and Powder Room that could be accessible from the pool. The project is nearly finished - and it is so much fun to watch the kids play a role in design and decoration, and stake a claim to their new-found space!

General Contractor: Mott & Co.


